Waspinator is the best selling wasp deterrent in Europe and the US


Read the feedback from our customers and find why we’re Europes best selling Wasp repellent.



The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Waspinators – do they work?

“I bought three Waspinators for my allotment, they’re bloody marvellous, I want another three.”

Joe Stanhope


The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Waspinator does it work? Open Air Public Swimming Pool

“Waspinators reduced the number of first aid sting treatments from 124 in 2013 to 10 in 2014. On the whole, very good, we hung them by the pool and by the bins.”

J Hermens


The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Waspinator Review from Holland

“My Waspinator review is that I can state: it works.

There were some wasps in the very beginning but they made no nests. Later in the Summer, there were a few wasps but that was all. Last year I had very much wasps at the front door.”

C Sawyers

The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Amazed at the speed and effectiveness of Waspinator

“Blimey – what a brilliant product!

For some reason, local wasps found our bay tree fascinating – I have no idea what they were grazing, but at any time there was 20 or more wasps there, zooming around like B52’s. Since the tree in question was right next to our back door, this was quite disturbing.

I came across Waspinator by searching google for ways of getting rid of them, and decided it had to be worth a try. They were waiting for us when we got back from holiday yesterday. Today I followed your instructions and used an inflated balloon to maximise the size, and pegged it on the washing line about two metres from the bay tree.

Took less than ten minutes for every last wasp to beat a retreat – they could not get away quick enough.”

John and Jean Huggins


The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

No Wasps for two years in Norwich – brilliant idea

“We have been using a Waspinator for over two years – no wasps.

We’ve actually given two away.

Thank you for the brilliant practical idea and for the research that went into it.”

Steph Van der Velde

South of France

The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Waspinator Review from France – the result was astonishing

“After a long and busy summer, I can send you the feedback we’d agreed upon. I’m very happy to report that they worked quite efficiently indeed. I chose the locations as per your instructions, in a visible area yet protected from the wind.

The result was astonishing. We had a drastic reduction on wasps around our pool, which pleased our guests quite a bit (we had a few “regulars”, and they noted the effect). I’m not exactly sure that my neighbours appreciated our finding a solution for our much larger swimming pool (compared to theirs, and I guess the little devils paid them the visit they didn’t pay us ?)! Ah, I’ll wait for their comments, and will give them your website if they want to push the problem even further down our road!

After this successful test, I must say you have my recommendation, and I’ll gladly let you post it on your website.

If you happen to pass in our neck of the woods, do remember to pay us a visit, of course!

Kindest and sunny regards from Southern France.”

Judy Knowton

Tennessee, USA

The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Now I can sit on my porch in peace

“I have used the Waspinator for about a month now and am amazed each day. It works exactly as it says. I have always had a problem with wasps on my front porch, but not since hanging up the Waspinator. Now I can sit out on my porch in peace without fly swatters and bug sprays. Everyone that sees it can’t believe it, and they always leave wanting to take my Waspinator home with them. Thanks for making such a terrific product.”

Joanne Pugh

South Wales

The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Plagued with wasps in Alicante

“Good Evening. I have just returned from visiting my parents’ villa in Alicante.

Last year, they were virtually plagued with wasps, of which I am PETRIFIED! I don’t know how many times I ran away screaming, a glass of wine in hand, but it must have been over 100 during a 2 week period.

I have just popped back to see them, and not ONE wasp!!! They have had two Waspinators for around a month, and I was so impressed, I bought two for myself.

My garden in South Wales is now also wasp free!

This is a fantastic idea for Europe.

I have never been so pleased with a purchase!”



The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Get rid of wasps – wasp free in Ipswich

“I am pretty much wasp free now thank goodness! I am so grateful for your amazing product.

I am happy to report that pretty much immediately, the little sods stayed away from the house, I was able to have windows and doors open and my little dogs were able to enjoy the garden!

Thanks again!”



The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Waspinator review – am still amazed

“Am still amazed that our Waspinator trucks on – must have bought it several years ago. It’s stuffed with soft plastic bags as the balloon kept going down. Only ever seen one wasp in our little backyard since.

Lost count of visitors who ask what it is as they have never seen it advertised. Suppose keen gardeners spot it in gardening mags and on tv programmes but there are loads of people like us who just like to sit outside with a drink on a summer’s evening and admire our tubs and hanging baskets. Plus there are three almshouses alone near our house and the elderly are terrified of being stung.”


London W8

The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Waspinator Review – a marvel in Italy and London

“If you could expedite this order soonest, it would be most appreciated. We have bought these before and use them at our house in Italy and they are a marvel!”

Claire Larkins


The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Gets rid of wasps

“Thank you very much for the Waspinator. I have it hung up under my table umbrella and so far we haven’t had one wasp in the garden! The hot weather is coming in now which means BBQ season which means countless wasps hanging around the food so I will keep you updated.

It does, it gets rid of wasps!”



The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Waspinator – does it work? Absolute success, wasps stopped in mid-air

“Waspinator has been an absolute success in keeping wasps away from wherever we put it. I even put it near some water that the wasps were used to going to, and it was like putting a glass screen up, they stopped dead in mid-air. My wife and I have never seen anything like it. We tell all our friends what a great product it is.”

Don Burnett

Kelowna Capital News

The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

It does no harm to wasps, it just scares them away

“Wasps do an amazing amount of good by consuming a huge amount of aphids and caterpillars. Of course, wasps love to join us at summer barbecues, but now with my favourite cure, the Waspinator, they are not as much of an issue. The reason the Waspinator is my favourite is that it does no harm to the wasps, it just scares them away. The wasps actually think there is an enemy nest in their midst and stay well away.”

Richard - Bee Keeper


The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Bee keeper’s thanks for Waspinator

“I contacted you as a Beekeeper to ask if they would work around my hives. I hung the two Waspinators you sent me over the Bee Hives which had been perennially pestered with Wasps. On the first day, to my disappointment, there was no change at all in the Wasp activity I could observe.

On the second there was a noticeable decline in the number of Wasps but still some around, but by midday, day three, there were no Wasps at all. I am really surprised by this. So, a Beekeeper’s thanks.”

Mary A. Mcgann

Wisconsin, USA

The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Thank you for an amazing product

“I originally purchased two Waspinators last Spring in a desperate measure to keep wasps away from my front porch deck. I was amazed at how efficient it was I gave the second one to my sister, who was more than sceptical. But she hasn’t had wasps buzzing at her entry door all summer and now wants another. We tel everyone we know when the subject of annoying wasps comes up. Thank you for an amazing product that anyone who values quality time outside should have.”

Martin Sills

Pag. Land Use Agrologist

The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

I’ve tried virtually every wasp deterrent available

“I have tried virtually every wasp deterrent available with limited success at best. This year I discovered the Waspinator and, much to my pleasure and amazement, we have regained the use of our sundeck for barbecues. I simply hung one on each of the three decks and the results were effective and immediate. Prior to this, I couldn’t sit outside with a snack without running for cover in seconds.

Being in the agricultural profession, I often get calls on pest management of all varieties. When it comes to wasps I can now guide them to a solution that I have personally tested and can confidently recommend as an effective wasp repellent.”



The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

An effective wasp deterrent

“I thought I would let you know that the Waspinators seem to be an effective wasp deterrent. I installed a couple at points in the garden where we have large numbers of wasps visiting. I have the following observation which I thought I would pass to you. There was no instant reaction by our wasps to the presence of the Waspinator and it was just noticeable that each day over a period of a week fewer and fewer wasps were around (it was during the recent sunny hot period too). I can say that today there are no wasps in the areas around the Waspinator which is a successful outcome to our wasp problem. A really effective product.”

Darlene Tait

Qualicum Beach, BC and Baja, Mexico

The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

First time in my entire life I was able to enjoy a meal outside

“I have always had a wasp phobia. In fact, I never eat outside and have never in my life been able to enjoy outdoor dining. This summer I found myself in a situation where the group I was with had decided to eat outside at a local restaurant. Reluctantly I joined them. To my surprise, there were no wasps. I asked the restaurant owner How did you do it? There are NO wasps here. He answered ‘Waspinator’. This was the first time in my entire life that I was able to enjoy a meal outside”

Averil Ineson


The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Seems to repel the Black Med. Wasp also…

“Good news. The Waspinator seems to work for the Black Med. Wasp also. Yesterday the first one came heading across the pool towards the Waspinator and came as near a wasp can to a screeching halt in mid-flight and turned and flew off in the opposite direction. The second one did something very similar. The third one came bumbling around in the top of the porch and so would not be able to see the Waspinator. Eventually, it arrived at the Waspinator, circumnavigated it and flew off. I have not seen one since.

In the meantime, my pool remains wasp free and I am about to have my first swim of the year.”

Snell Scientifics

Barnesville, GA

The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Field Test Report

“All wasp activity at the sites with Waspinator devices halted after that time, even though insects continued to frequent the control site. To further affirm the effectiveness of the device, the Waspinators were removed from the test sites until insect activity was re-established.

The devices were then re-installed at the test sites resulting in the elimination of insect activity at the test sites the same day. The data from this test shows that the Original Waspinator will deter or repel wasps from an area attractive to them.”



The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

No wasps by the pool in Florence

“I received the Waspinator and I am so happy to tell you that it has been 4 days, by the pool with NO wasps.

Oh, one or two fly by but don’t land anymore, so far! I have put another by the nest, driveway area and in the flower garden.

Thanks so much!”

Mary Tan, Phd, RN

Ridgeland, MS

The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

It works, and I mean it really works

“My mother and I were inundated with wasps everywhere around our decks and porches. I was very sceptical about something like the Waspinator. However it works, and I mean really works. Occasionally see one or two wasps flying in the yard, but now I do not have them nesting around my house. I am excited about this product and would highly recommend trying it. What have you got to lose except those wasps.”

Dilys Ball


The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

It was heaven to enjoy a meal outside and not have to worry

“We just returned from holiday on Vancouver Island, where we came across your wonderful product. We were at a restaurant called Fish Tales in Nanaimo. We sat outside to eat in their beautiful garden, and I noticed a Waspinator right above me. Oh great, I thought. I’m petrified of wasps and they put me here to eat. I thought I would be dodging wasps all through my meal, but guess what? I never saw one wasp. It was heaven to enjoy a meal outside and no have to worry.”

Derek and Pat


The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

...No wasps near the Waspinator

“We have been back home for two weeks now and noticed that the wasps are very active, we normally have a barbecue on one of our terraces and it has always been a nuisance to have to keep on swatting the wasps away.

We hung the Waspinator onto the terrace and have not had a single wasp come anywhere near since. We see them flying about to and from the rest of the land but none near us or rather no wasps near the Waspinator.”

George Kalinowski, RPh

Connecticut, USA

The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

For the first time in five years we are not being bothered by wasps

“I have a horrible annual problem with wasps around my all-brick house, nesting in the crevices between the brick and wood moulding and around the rain gutters. This Spring I purchased four Waspinators (one for each side of the house). For the first time in five years, we are not being bothered by wasps.”


Upminster, Essex

The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US

Do Waspinators work? Thank you Waspinator!

“Words cannot explain how you changed my life when you sent me 2 Waspinators free of charge as I was sleeping downstairs on my sofa. My son put them high up a few days later, but I must admit it was a good few weeks before I slept in my bedroom upstairs again! I’m so sorry I haven’t sent you a cheque to pay for them, but I’m useless at paperwork, my late husband used to do all that.

So please now email me your address so that I can reimburse you, although your kindness in sending them to me without being paid for, meant just as much!”

Brigid McIntosh

The most Recommended wasp deterrent in Europe and the US


“There is no longer a sting to this poem,
so please from this page do not roam

A bunch of blinking stinging stingy things
bit me deep which made me weep –
thirty six on arms and legs and waspish waist (I wish),
rescued by medication which came with a beep

Garden Centres sell Waspinators,
they work wonderfully well
They mimic the nest so the pests go west,
they won’t nest near another nest
nor close to the site of a previous nest

But be wary, it is scary,
if you have any query,
you just phone Richard and he’ll respond
with assurance, information and advice
Leave a message and he’ll phone you back
and consistently do his best,
lest your mind not rest
and you still feel messed
ay this vast task that you cannot grasp

He won’t just wing off,
he’s the Waspinator buff,
and if that’s not enough
He’s a star, skills with no bar
And I thank you”