UK Wasps and European Wasps are predominated by two species, Waspinator is designed to repel wasps from both species.
These are the Common Wasp (Vespula Vulgaris), followed by the German Wasp (Vespula Germanica), both of which build aerial wasp nests, and also nest in cavities in trees, walls and buildings, and also can burrow nests into the ground. All of these wasps’ nests tend to be difficult to find as they are built-in safe secure places to protect the wasps which live in them.
The Tree Wasp (Dolichovespula Sylvestris) is also quite common and very aggressive. The Norwegian Wasp (Dolichovespula Norwegica) is less common in the southern half of Britain but is a common species in Scotland.
The largest species is the Hornet (Vespa Crabro), and, until recently, was mostly a southern species which nested in hollow trees or in buildings, but with the recent series of mild winters, it is being found much further north and is increasingly found throughout the England and Wales.
There are reports in the southern UK of an invasion by Dolichovespula Wasps from warmer European climes, dubbed the Euro wasp. This species is rather larger than the Common and German Wasps and has a more painful sting.
The differences between all these wasp species are fairly small other than size, they are all black and yellow, and they all sting.
And Waspinator works on them all.
Some wasps found in very hot climates are not territorial. Paper Wasps (Polistes) and Olive Wasps, for example, found in Southern Spain, Greece, the Middle East and other very hot climates, are such species – additionally, these wasps build very different nests. Some species in these climates do not build nests at all.
Waspinator generally will not work on these species, although we have anecdotal evidence that sometimes it does, such is nature, we think they see it as a hornets’ nest and hornets are predators to these species.
Waspinator is designed to mimic the wasps nest of the German and the Common Wasp, which are the most common species to be found in the UK, Europe, and the Northern Hemisphere, and Waspinator will be hugely effective in all these areas.
It should be said that we are dealing with nature here, so you might get the odd short sighted, stupid, or kamikaze wasp, but it really nearly always works.
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